Jury Duty
If you are summoned to appear for jury duty, please call 368-9738 after 5pm the evening before you are to report for service. A recording will indicate any changes to the schedule for jurors.
Jurors should report to the courtroom on the second floor of the courthouse.
Any requests to be excused should be directed to the District Judge as indicated on your summons. Doctor’s excuses should be detailed. Persons aged 70 years and older may claim an exemption from jury duty by indicating such on their questionnaire and mailing it to the Judge. If you have misplaced your questionnaire, you can download a generic form here: Jury Questionnaire.
Appropriate dress is required.
Criminal Petit Jurors are paid by the Union Parish Police Jury for each day of service at a rate of $25 per day and .16 cents per mile round trip.
Civil Petit Jurors are paid by the Union Parish Police Jury for each day of service at a rate of $50.00 per day and an amount equal to the rate in effect for state officials for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the courthouse. -effective 01/01/2021.
Please report any address or name changes to the Clerk of Court’s office at (318) 368-3055.
Once the jury has been dismissed, please indicate on your summons the number of days you reported for service, your mileage one way and any address or name changes.