Online Image & Index Search
Civil Records
Access and print Union Parish Civil court documents, images, and case information online with Clerk Connect.
Criminal Records
Access and print Union Parish Criminal court document images & index information online with Clerk Connect
Land & Marriage Records
Access and print Union Parish Land & Marriage court documents, images, and index information online with eClerks LA.
Important Changes Effective October 2, 2023
The Union Parish Clerk of Court has migrated to eClerks LA for all recordings, including Land, Conveyance, Mortgage, Marriage Licenses, and E-Recordings.
Effective October 2, 2023, all recordings received are accessible through eClerks LA. Your current online subscription in COTT E-Search will not display any recordings.
Additionally, eClerks LA is the only e-recording vendor moving forward. CSC, EPN, InteleDoc, and Simplifile are no longer be available.
As is the case with most software conversions, some hiccups are to be expected. We will be doing our very best to minimize any issues as well as address them in a timely manner.
What is happening?
The Union Parish Clerk of Court will be migrating to a new software provider for all recordings, including Land, Civil, Conveyance, Mortgage, and Marriage Licenses, and E-Recordings.
How do I access eClerks LA?
- You will need to create a username and password with eClerks LA.
- If you already had a subscription through COTT E-Search, contact us and we will update your account with the same subscription you purchased through COTT E-Search.
- If you did not already have a subscription through COTT E-Search, just create a new subscription through eClerks LA.
What about Criminal online access?
For now, you will continue to use COTT E-Search for Criminal records and images. This change is specific to recordings only.
What if I have a subscription for Recordings, Civil & Criminal?
Unfortunately, until Criminal data has been converted to eClerks LA (targeted in April 15, 2024), you will be required to have both a COTT E-Search subscription AS WELL AS an eClerks LA subscription.
If you already have access to COTT E-Search, we will apply those subscription details to your eClerks LA account.
When that subscription expires, renew through eClerks LA, and we can apply those subscription details to your COTT E-Search account.
Is there a help guide for this new software?
Yes there is! eClerks LA provides a detailed help guide in PDF format which can be found here: